Home Appliance Control and Power Monitoring Using I2C Communication



I2C, Power measurement, Embedded board, Microcontroller communication, Master-slave configuration, Data transfer


The rapid advancement of home automation has revolutionized how we interact with electronic systems, with embedded networking playing a critical role in enhancing these applications. One such networking standard, Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C), has emerged as a key enabler for communication between microcontrollers, offering a streamlined, two-wire protocol that operates on a master-slave configuration. This design allows a master device to control multiple slaves efficiently, making I2C ideal for embedded systems in home automation. The protocol, which can be emulated even by microcontrollers lacking a dedicated I2C peripheral, supports high-speed data transfer of up to 3.4 Mbits/sec. Originally developed to minimize pin count and simplify connections between different integrated circuits on a single circuit board, I2C's flexibility also enables communication across multiple boards, depending on the required distance and transfer speed. This flexibility, coupled with its simplicity, provides a robust framework for comprehensive home automation systems, enabling seamless control over various functions such as power monitoring and device management within a single embedded system.


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How to Cite

Home Appliance Control and Power Monitoring Using I2C Communication. (2024). Computational Engineering and Technology Innovations, 1(1), 25-36. https://ceti.reapress.com/journal/article/view/22