Novel GAN-Based Image Completion: Addressing Structure and Texture Consistency in Missing Regions
Image completion, Deep learning, Generative adversarial networks, Texture synthesis, Structure reconstruction, Convolutional neural networksAbstract
The use of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to solve Image Completion (IC) has emerged as a popular research topic, as this study demonstrates. Completion algorithms must handle structure and texture properly in order to generate realistic results because they are two essential components of images. To fix an image, several modern techniques employ the end-to-end framework, which ignores texture and structure in particular. From the outcomes, deformed structures and uneven textures are frequently obtained. The sketch completion network and a texture completion network are contained in a novel IC method is suggested. The objective of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is to restore the sketch structures in the missed portion of an image. By representing the two components separately in a DNN, the proposed approach not only successfully synthesizes semantically valid and visually reliable data in the missing region but also allows a user to change the structure characteristics in that region dynamically. Graph Neural Network (GNN) creates consistent texture data in the missing area with the sketch output and the surrounding partial image.
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